Monday, 9 November 2015



Body postures depict and speak a lot about a person’s nature and personality. Also, certain postures are not permissible and are considered unreceptive in nature like sitting with legs crossed or crossing arms across the chest depict stubbornness in a person’s nature. Moreover, these postures restrict the free flow of energy from the base of the spine to the rest of the body. Hence, a person should always adopt an open posture with legs and arms in a straight position.


Health is wealth; a healthy mind and body can alone lead to prosperity and success. Special care should be taken to keep health problems at bay. Never build a bathroom in the north-east as this welcomes chronic diseases for its inmates. The head should never be placed in the north while sleeping as the magnetic energy flow coming from the North Pole would disturb your sleep. Toilets, swimming pools and underground water tanks in the south also affect health seriously. Moreover, high blood pressure and irritability may be caused as a result of a bedroom placed in the south-east. Eye-related problems strokes and paralysis are caused if the eastern side of your plot is blocked.


Fire is a sacred element of nature and should never be touched by feet including matchsticks and cigarette stubs. Many people have the habit of opening doors by pushing with their feet. This is considered highly inauspicious. Even rubbing your feet against each other or sleeping with crossed legs brings in bad luck.Remember, goddess Lakshmi blesses them who are neat, clean and odor free from top to bottom.


Opposites attract and the rule of relativity applies while choosing the correct life partner. It is said that the journey through life, even though the road is full with lots of pitfalls and holes, becomes easy and enjoyable if you have the right companion to accompany you throughout this journey called life. Usage of correct color combinations and sounds, balancing darkness with light and dullness with sharp thought makes for a convenient and comfortable understanding between spouses.


It is very commonly seen in people to tap on tables or on their own body parts to produce sound or simply involve in unnecessary fidgety movements just for fun’s sake. These are not auspicious and should be avoided religiously.


One should start the day fresh by taking a bath early in the morning. This helps keep negative energies at bay. Taking a bath with sea-salt also boosts the flow of positive energy within the body.


Make sure your child has a solid wall behind his back while studying. This provides energy supports and improves concentration in the child. Also, see that the study area is free from clutter of old mails, letters, non-working pens, junk stationery items and so on as these bring in a lot of negativity with them.


It is believed that having your food in the kitchen, as people used to do in olden days, is very lucky and favorable for the members of the family. One should always face the north while eating. The first portion of every meal should be offered t the god of fire, the next pert to a cow and the third bit to a dog. This helps in clearing off the evil effects of any pre-earned bad actions. You can even donate food to organizations looking after stray dogs and street cows.


Ego kills every relationship and delivers bad vibes within the environment and surrounding. This happens when the northern side of the plot is higher than the southern portion leading to an uncomfortable relationship with your siblings. Also, never let your son occupy the south-west room of the house, or else he would dominate you and even indulge in arguments and fights.


No one wants enemies around them. This can be judged and taken care of by scanning the south-east of the building for main entrances and water sources and making them Vaastu-compliant.

I Dr. Puneet Chawla promise to give lot of information for the prosperity in your life.

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